Stephen Judd

Adults at work

1 min read

We Are All Adults Here – Medium

An employee who sits childlike at the node of a network, waiting to be fed instructions is a blocker and will be routed around by customers, fellow employees and the community. In a network, you are judged by what you contribute, not what you consume.

Stephen Judd

Knowledge workers

1 min read

Knoco stories: "Knowledge Worker" - an illustration and definition

The simplest definition of a knowledge worker is “somebody who knows more about their job than their supervisor/client does”. (Or perhaps I should have said "Knows, or can find out,").

Stephen Judd

Nuts and Bolts of Encryption: A Primer for Policymakers

Very little jargon, straightforward explanation of encryption.

Stephen Judd

People don't want courses

1 min read

Company training/e-learning is the least valued way of learning at work: what does this mean for L&D? – Modern Workplace Learning Magazine

Although there are a few interesting generational differences, these are certainly not significant enough to stereotype generational preferences – but there is one  thing we need to keep sight of  in all this – and that is everyone is different.  But it is also clear from the results that  informal, social as well as self-organised approaches are now the preferred means of learning for many, so this would suggest the need for L&D to adopt a new set of workplace learning practices that

Stephen Judd


New Boston, NH - 2/19/17

Stephen Judd

Becoming a Learning Culture: Competing in an Age of Disruption - The Performance Improvement Blog

Most companies have a training culture, not a learning culture. This emphasis on formal training is a barrier to learning and change. In a training culture, responsibility for employee learning resides with instructors and training managers. In that kind of culture, trainers (under the direction of a CLO) drive learning. Whereas in a learning culture, responsibility for learning resides with each employee, each team, and each manager. In that kind of culture, employees, with the help of their managers, seek out the knowledge and skills they need, when and where that knowledge and those skills are needed.

Stephen Judd

Disenchantment with universities

1 min read

JC in transition | Climate Etc.

Once you detach from the academic mindset, publishing on the internet makes much more sense, and the peer review you can get on a technical blog is much more extensive. But peer review is not really the point; provoking people to think in new ways about something is really the point. In other words, science as process, rather than a collection of decreed ‘truths.’

Stephen Judd

College is not job preparation

1 min read

College is Over – Medium

Gradually, college will go back to what it always was: “a four year vacation funded by my parents” as one of my Northwestern students told me. But that means that only rich people will go to college. If and when college is made free, then you and I will be paying for their vacation. Kids who want jobs will go to bootcamps. (I sure hope they change that name.)
Or, we could try making high school more pragmatic and job oriented. (Of course that will never happen as long as Common Core is the rule and the Testing companies own education.)

Stephen Judd

Stephen Judd