Stephen Judd

Investing Strategically in Generative Networks - - system change and uncertainty

Stephen Judd

Create your own listicle from a Google spreadsheet -

Stephen Judd

Checked into The Rim

Last weekend of basketball. 2-4 games

Stephen Judd

Older posts

1 min read

I've started using Known as of March 14, 2015. Older posts originally appeared elsewhere - unfortunately, comments were not migrated.

Stephen Judd

Knowledge or skill

1 min read

Kevin Gamble on Twitter: "Is "network literacy" knowledge or a skill?

 Kevin asks if network literacy is a skill or knowledge - I say both, and I'm not sure you can separate one from the other. If we take that abilities are aptitudes we're born with and skills are learned, then you likely can't have one without the other. Kevin also asked which comes first - which I see as a bit of a "chicken or egg" problem. Should we care? Some people may gain knowledge, without acquiring a particular skill, but it may facilitate gaining the skill when the need arises. As we acquire skills, we gain knowledge from the practice and experience applying them. So, I don't care which comes first, as they almost certainly arise together and in succession in weird and wonderful ways.

Originally posted to linkblog February 8, 2015

Stephen Judd


1 min read

How Google Search Dealt With Mobile — Medium 

 Great, long article by Steven Levy discussing how Google search has evolved over the years to incorporate voice, knowledge graph, Google Now, and more. Also made me look up the word, synecdoche, which I had heard before but wasn't familiar with - a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in - Cleveland won by six runs (meaning “Cleveland's baseball team”).

Originally posted to linkblog January 16, 2015

Stephen Judd

Collective Intelligence

1 min read

Reading the Mind in the Eyes or Reading between the Lines? Theory of Mind Predicts Collective Intelligence Equally Well Online and Face-To-Face

Taken together, these results provide strong empirical support for the emergence of collective intelligence in online groups, and the conclusion that theory of mind abilities are a significant determinant of group collective intelligence even when, as in many online groups, the group has extremely limited communication channels. 

 Interesting that the same results are seen in online groups communicating only via text.

Originally posted to linkblog December 31, 2014

Stephen Judd


1 min read

Material Question

"discovery begins with a Technology Trigger, climbs quickly to a Peak of Inflated Expectations, falls into the Trough of Disillusionment, and, as practical uses are found, gradually ascends to the Plateau of Productivity."

Originally posted to linkblog December 19, 2014

Stephen Judd

Skill and attitude

1 min read

Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. 

 "These two observations allow us to conclude that networking for networked learning is not only a skill to be developed, but also an attitude towards learning to be cultivated. The interviews confirmed that networking revolves around a complex ability of (i) recognizing and identifying the other’s qualities; and, of (ii) making (valuable) associations of these qualities with the learner’s own qualities that could take place when interacting with a contact or even in the contact’s absence. Learners have different levels of proficiency in this skill, but can also differ in the actual application of the skill, due to the attitude with which they approach learning."

Originally posted to linkblog November 13, 2014

Stephen Judd


1 min read

A Convicted Felon Speaks Out about White Collar Crime 

 Came across this while searching for something related to an accounting class I'm taking. It's as crazy as Crazy Eddie!

Originally posted to linkblog October 5, 2014